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陈子龙先生,出生沉香世家,从小便与香结缘。现任广州沉香协会常务副会长、鉴定委员会主任,主张诚信经营,由陈子龙先生经营管理的香自在博观而约取,经过多年的发展,取得长足发展,开创了香自在沉香礼品公司、黄大仙沉香交易中心。香自在沉香品牌深受中国高端文玩人群的欢迎,厚积而薄发。黄大仙沉香交易中心是全国首家沉香香品宗教用专业市场,国际沉香交易中心由沉香行家协会实力打造、以高端沉香交易为核心、汇聚国内外优质沉香产品以及沉香上下游产业链。 中心内的奇楠阁.沉香博物馆是迄今为止国内收藏沉香品种最多最全的艺术展馆 拥有各个产区、稀缺、珍贵的高档沉香,中心设有内有多种多样的专业香道培训。如:爱好者香道班、优雅女人香道班、魅力男人香道班、高级研修香道班、实体店上课、让学员近距离接触产品及市场,时至今日,陈氏家族在沉香行业依然具有深远的影响。 Zi-long Chen Sir, born aloes family, since childhood with affinity. Current guangzhou aloes association executive vice President, director of the appraisal committee, the good faith management, by Mr Zi-long Chen management concept of home of aloes, and about to take, after years of development, have made substantial progress, created the fragrant comfortable aloes gift company, wong tai sin aloes trading center. Sweet comfortable aloes brand is popular among China's high-end collectables - autograph crowd, who is thin hair. Wong tai sin aloes trading center is a national first sink xiang xiang religion with professional market, the international trade center aloes forged by aloes bankers association strength at home and abroad, with high-end aloes trading as the core, quality and aloes aloes products upstream and downstream industry chain. Within the center of the nan cabinet. Aloes museum collection is by far the domestic aloes varieties most complete art gallery With each region, the scarce and precious upscale aloes, center with there were a variety of professional training of teachers. Such as: amateur class, elegant scent of a woman class, charming man class, master class, entity shop in class, students in close contact with the product and market, today, the Chen family in aloes industry still has a profound impact.
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协会地址:广州市荔湾区康王中路301号华林国际C馆四楼4078    联系电话:020-81304811
版权所有® 2015 广州市沉香协会 粤ICP备15089459号-1